
Mover Reviews

Customer Testimonials

We listen to our clients!

We continually strive to exceed your moving expectations. Without you, our customer, we would just be “another Charlotte moving company.” Look at what movers are saying about Affordable Moving Solutions. Read our mover reviews


Robert Diaz and his Charlotte moving crew at Affordable Moving Solutions helped our company move to Charlotte with a comprehensive moving plan at a very critical time. They were very courteous and careful with all of our office furniture and equipment. They worked long hours and got the job done in a very timely manner.
RK Motors, LLC is very happy to have selected such a good Charlotte moving company and would highly recommend them to anyone moving to Charlotte.

– Cathleen Baluch, RK Motors, LLC

starsMy sister wanted me to pass along great thanks and appreciation for an absolute seamless moving job. AMS provided us with everything from crating, packing directions, and a complete moving plan. As she put it: “this was packed to go to Mars” because it was so well done. We both appreciate the excellent Charlotte moving job that AMS provided. If I ever have someone who needs moving services, I will definitely refer them to you.
– Jerry DeCouto

starsI wanted to take a moment to thank you for the wonderful service you and your employees provided during my recent move. Your Charlotte movers were efficient and careful with my belongings, treating them as if they were their own. The level of courtesy they exhibited was beyond outstanding. I will definitely recommend your company to anyone I know who is in need of a moving company.
– Rachel Montgomery